When Content Creation and Art Collide

My Browser History 📁
2 min readAug 23, 2023


Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

The world gains nothing from you playing small.

Hi! My name is Reuel, and I’m an avid TikTok doom scroller.

It’s become a nightly ritual of popping a few melatonin gummies, opening my windows, and endlessly scrolling through HOURS of mindless content.

From men’s fashion and music recommendations to full episodes of SpongeBob Square Pants and scary specific jokes — my TikTok feed provides endless entertainment.

That being said — If you’re an avid scroller like myself, I’m sure you’ve experienced massive mood swings when engaging with the app. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stumbled on a video that had audibly made me laugh, only to swipe up into those 2000s nostalgia montages or Christmas-themed videos.

For better or worse, I’ll always take a trip down memory lane.

One night, I encountered content that made me feel something I hadn’t experienced with any other.

I felt human.

The numbness glazed over you from endless scrolling is a byproduct of the curated yet unfiltered “content” shoved down your throat. I purposely have quotations around the word content because the bar for what’s considered such has reached an industry low. That’s a blog topic for another day.

The channel I stumbled upon is called At The Beep (@atthebeep.com)

Its premise is simple — the creator set up a phone number and voicemail, encouraging anyone and everyone (Yes! Including you!) to call and leave a message about anything.

I’m sure this creator receives their fair share of prank calls, but after sifting through video after video, I’m blown away by the stories shared.


It’s the entire human spectrum of emotions captured in bits and pieces. When given the platform, little moments shine again from the deep corners of our minds. Anonymity gives us the courage to share without restraint.

It’s like you got one of those invincible stars from any Mario Brother game, but rather than powering through enemies, your plowing through any fears.

Photo by Sahand Babali on Unsplash

I stayed up until 4 am going through that page’s videos and mustered up the courage to call in to leave my story.

Sometimes, content doesn’t have to suspend your reality.
Sometimes, content can help you see it more clearly.

Until We Vibe Again,

Follow me on Twitter!



My Browser History 📁

I’m an Ex-Content Creator (Momsthehost), who can't escape the online noise 🗣️ Blogging about the twilight between the internet and life