Let’s Talk.

My Browser History 📁
2 min readFeb 11, 2021

If we don’t believe in ourselves, why should anyone else?

Almost every guest that has appeared on Inside the Streamer Studio voiced some sort of anxiety upon joining me on-stream.

It’s interesting to watch.

A case study in one's ability to give up control and try something new.
It’s the reason I take care of all my guests as we stroll down memory lane; trust is much easier to lose than gain.

When was the last time you’ve had a “1st time” moment? I think it’s important for personal growth to widen your horizons when the opportunity arises.

Complacency is the death of creativity.

As of this post, I’ve interviewed 56 streamers from platforms such as Twitch, YouTube, and TikTok. Listened to stories from all walks of life.

  • For the guests, you experienced something never seen before on Twitch.
  • For the viewer, you saw a different side of your favorite streamer.

I’m always looking for streamers to add to my “watch” list.
Is that you? Is that your friend? Is that your favorite streamer?

Use this link and submit to me streamers you would like to see on the show! I’ll do my best to have them on.

**Inside the Streamer Studio Application**

[until we vibe again]

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My Browser History 📁

I’m an Ex-Content Creator (Momsthehost), who can't escape the online noise 🗣️ Blogging about the twilight between the internet and life