Bringing The Best Out Of Guests

My Browser History 📁
2 min readDec 4, 2021


Photo by Jukka Aalho on Unsplash

To be an interviewer I believe you must be selfless.

You’re not the star of the show.
Majority of the viewers are not there to watch you.
Many viewers will not return unless they know the guest.

It’s not rewarding upfront…
But we do it anyway because we know it’s important.

As of this writing, I’ve worked with 147 content creators globally. Twitch has allowed me conversations I never imagined before streaming. I’ve been able to see the commonalities and differences in all our lives. An expansion of realities and perspectives we could not have done ourselves. Above all, we get to share this with the world.

You see this as a podcast, I see it as a legacy piece.

I sit across my guest with a genuine wanting to learn at least one thing new about the world around me.

And I’ve yet to be disappointed.

If you’re worried about your viewership and not the purpose of your show’s existence, you’ve already failed. I’ve seen many shows with notable guests that lacked interest because the prerogative was to “rub elbows” rather than provide a service. You work for the guests first, viewers second.

Be different. Be better.

[until we vibe again]

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My Browser History 📁

I’m an Ex-Content Creator (Momsthehost), who can't escape the online noise 🗣️ Blogging about the twilight between the internet and life